Monday, February 13, 2006

Moving Mountains

I am not a philosopher by a long shot, but the last year and a half has taught me that it is easy to work a miracle. In fact, it is so easy that I am surprised so few people know about it.
I read a story about how a man worked a miracle and it made me sit up and think what I was doing wrong all along. Here is how it goes:

A man once dreamt at night that God came to visit him. He was really scared because he could not think of anything good he had ever done which would warrant a visit from The Almighty.
God looked at him for a while and said: “I have seen you struggle all your life in search of success, wealth and glory and in the process you almost always forgot to think about me. I will forgive all your mistakes, if you follow my one command.”
The man, relieved, but perplexed said, "I will do whatever you say, Lord."
"OK. Then every morning for an hour you have to try your best and push the mountain that you can see there," Lord Almighty nodded towards a window from which a huge, huge mountain was visible.
"I'll do as you say."
Sure enough the man kept his promise and every morning went out and with all his might pushed the mountain. Several days passed, but the man stayed steadfast. So did the mountain.
One fine day his perseverance caught the eye of Satan, who decided to spice things up.
"You keep stupidly pushing the mountain and it does not move an inch. To hell with it! Get a life! God knows very well you can never move it. Still he is making you sweat," the Satan jeered while watching the man struggling with his mountain.
That night, for the first time the man began to get frustrated with his assignment. After a week, he decided that he would quit. The Satan may be a horrible creature, but he was definitely right.
However, he was slightly disturbed all day about going against command of his Lord and finally fell into a confused sleep at night. Again he dreamt. In the dream he complained to God for being given such a futile job. The mountain never budged and all he could do was try and come home defeated. God listened to him grumble and said: ‘Have you noticed that since you have started pushing the mountain your physique has developed? You have become stronger than you used to be, which has helped you in completing your other activities. Have you noticed that every morning you think about me when you go out towards the mountain? Do you know that makes me think about you in return and make other challenges easy to you to accomplish? What are you whining about? I didn’t ask you to move the mountain. I only asked you to push. I can move the mountain any time I want. I do not need you. There! I reward you for your efforts.”
And with that the God uttered ‘KUN’ and the mountain moved a mile!
So, that’s the secret. God Almighty moves the mountains; all we have to do is stick it out! Not so difficult, uh?